
About Leah Gardner

Compassion. Experience. Diligence.


Leah Gardner, LMHC

I am a licensed mental health counselor with a Bachelor of Science in psychology and a Masters degree in counseling psychology and rehabilitation. Both degrees were received from Florida State University. Soon after moving to Seattle, I discovered Hakomi Therapy. This highly respectful and holistic approach inspired me. In 1989 I became certified by the founding members of the institute. I later began training psychotherapists in this method throughout Seattle, Vancouver BC, Australia and New Zealand. 

My practice draws from several approaches. The mindfulness and mind/body experience inspired by Hakomi influence each of my sessions. Ten years of training in psychoanalytic theory provides understanding for how the unconscious mind expresses itself through our dreams and relationships to self and others. Internal Family Systems, founded by Richard Shwartz has informed me about how the human psyche is composed of many parts. Other resources that I draw from include Group Systems, Jungian theory, Trauma work and Process Work founded by Arnold Mindel.

I received my MA 2001. I have been in private practice since 1987 and practicing out of my current location in Fremont since 1990.


Leah Gardner

Leah Gardner

Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
— Rumi